Wednesday, January 30, 2008

After being a Verizon cell phone customer for several years, I had a Treo 650 and I Loved it! But I finally switched to an iphone. Easy, brilliant I had to have one. After all I got on the apple wagon with the ipod at first then I had to get a macbook. I'm seriously in Love with my apple cart. I have my website on my mac, the can style that Mac offers. It was good enough in the beginning, but I'm ready for my Flavor and style but especially a Shopping cart. Eventually one of the Diva's will be redesigning it, and I hope sooner rather than later. Its impossible for me to update my website when I'm at work.

I don't know about all of you but I still remember the rotary phone and the days when there wasn't an answering machine. I'm so wired, where can I go to runaway? Don't get me wrong I love keeping up with communication and technology. I love seeing what's on all my friends blogs and how can I make mine more entertaining. I always try to leave comments too. I enjoy text messaging but funnie I don't enjoy leaving a voice mail on someone's phone when I need to speak to them NOW! hahaha

People stop and visit, but I want COMMENTS, you know that communication! It works better when its a two way conversation.
Love to hear from you, real soon!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Valentine's Day
What are you giving your valentine?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What I love about creating jewelry is that the elements I use have a life of their own.

I sit at my designer table with several gauges of sterling silver wire and my artist pad. My "Apad" contains the drawing of the design I want to create. As I start to wrap and twist the wire it begins to take a life of its own. Many times what I drew on my "Apad" is not even close to what life the wire takes as the end result.

I'm sure many artists, sculptors and other jewelry designers would have to agree, right?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm passionate about creating jewelry. My customers appreciate having accessories that their friends compliment them on. When asked where they got their jewelry, they would reply that they knew this lady who handcrafted unique pieces. They would come to me to buy gifts for their girl friends and soon enough their girl friends were coming back to me for more.

They all enjoy wearing hija4 designs that no one else had!

My son is the guitarist in a band called, The Federalists. Their second cd is going to be available in February.

If you wanna take a listen go to their myspace page. I've included the address in my link list. You'll love it!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

First time blogger on google.