Wednesday, January 30, 2008

After being a Verizon cell phone customer for several years, I had a Treo 650 and I Loved it! But I finally switched to an iphone. Easy, brilliant I had to have one. After all I got on the apple wagon with the ipod at first then I had to get a macbook. I'm seriously in Love with my apple cart. I have my website on my mac, the can style that Mac offers. It was good enough in the beginning, but I'm ready for my Flavor and style but especially a Shopping cart. Eventually one of the Diva's will be redesigning it, and I hope sooner rather than later. Its impossible for me to update my website when I'm at work.

I don't know about all of you but I still remember the rotary phone and the days when there wasn't an answering machine. I'm so wired, where can I go to runaway? Don't get me wrong I love keeping up with communication and technology. I love seeing what's on all my friends blogs and how can I make mine more entertaining. I always try to leave comments too. I enjoy text messaging but funnie I don't enjoy leaving a voice mail on someone's phone when I need to speak to them NOW! hahaha

People stop and visit, but I want COMMENTS, you know that communication! It works better when its a two way conversation.
Love to hear from you, real soon!


Unknown said...

I agree, when I want need to talk it usually means NOW! My husband is the worst about not answering his phone & when I do leave a voice message, he never listens to it. He just calls me back 4 hours later and says.....Did you call me? Well duh!!!!! What's the point??

Divapreneur said...

Isn`t technology fabulous! The iphone is a Divapreneur`s must!

KDC Events said...

Communication, it is something we all need and very few of us are good at. I think we are way to dependant on cell phones, texting and email. I miss people stopping in to visit. That NEVER happens any more! BUT, that iphone is pretty cool!