Friday, March 28, 2008

Weekend Plans

What are your plans for the weekend? I can feel it. Friday! The lighter energy, everyone is happy.
The weekend is close and I don't have any plans. I'll be working on my photos and doing laundry.

I've just finished my cereal I put raspberries and blueberries in it, it makes it so delicious. That will keep my stomach happy till lunch. Gotta get dressed to go to work. I work full time, my jewelry is my part time passionate job.

After work I'll stop on the way home to get my favorite Chinese food. I like to stop in at least once a week. It's take out.

When I get home my cats (3) are yelling out me to feed them. I just want to sit down and eat but they won't stop yelling out me.

I'll watch my favorite soap on Tivo, The Young and The Restless while I eat my dinner and turn on my laptop to check
my email, Divapreneur messages.

Tomorrow I can sleep in and drink my morning coffee in bed, awhhhh. That evening I'll go see my son's band The Federalists rock!

Oh today is the 28th!! See how plans can change. What are yours?